Our Services

Land Contamination Risk Assessments

The NPPF encourages the use of Brownfield land. However, it required that the prosposed development is appropriate for its location by; preventing both new and existing development from contributing to or being put at an unacceptable risk from, or adversley effect levels of soil, air water or noise pollution.

Depending on the scale, nature and location of your development and if the Local Planning Authority (LPA) believes that your proposed site is either located on or near a potential source of contamination it may require a Land Contamination Risk Assessment.

Forge Engineering Design Solutions Ltd has the experience and skills to conduct a Land Contamination Risk Assessment that is appropriate to the nature and scale of your project. There are several levels of risk assessment that can be carried out from desk studies to intrusive ground investigations. However, in most cases at the planning phase a Preliminary Land Contamination Risk Assessment Desk Study is sufficient for the planning application, which can save time and money on unnecessary site investigations before the planning consent is granted.

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